Standard Name (category
K) |
Scientific Name |
Standard Name (category
K) |
Scientific Name |
kembang |
Heritiera spp. |
kempas |
Koompassia malaccensis |
keroeing |
Dipterocarpus spp |
keys |
Prunus avium |
kerning |
Dipterocarpus spp |
kerning, Indonesian |
Dipterocarpus spp |
kerning, Malaysian |
Dipterocarpus spp |
kerning, Sabah |
Dipterocarpus spp |
kerning, Sarawak |
Dipterocarpus spp |
keruwing |
Dipterocarpus spp |
kévazingo |
Guibourtia demeusei |
khaya |
Khaya ivorensis |
kiaat |
Pterocarpus angolensis |
Kiefer |
Pinus spp |
kingwood |
Dalbergia cearensis |
kingwood |
Astronium jraxinifolium |
Kirsche |
Prunus avium |
kirundu |
Antiaris toxicaria |
kitola |
Oxystigma oxyphyllum |
Knysna boxwood |
Gonioma kamassi |
kokko |
Albizia lebbek |
kokrodua |
Pericopsis elata |
Korean pine |
Pinus sibirica |
kosipo |
Entandrophragma candollei |
kotibb |
Nesogordonia papaverijera |
koto |
Pterygota bequaertil |
krabak |
Anisoptera spp. |
krala |
Khaya anthotheca |
krappa |
Carapa guianensis |
Kribi ebony |
Diospyros spp. |
kruen |
Dipterocarpus spp. |
kumbuk |
Terminalia arjuna |
kuraru |
Andira inermis |
kusia |
Nauclea diderrichii |
kwarie |
Vochysia spp. |
kwao |
Adina cordijolia |
kwila |
Intsia bijuga |
kwow |
Adina cordifolia |
kyenkyen |
Antiaris toxicaria |
Category L (below left)
Standard Name
(category L) |
Name |
Standard Name
(category L) |
Name |
laburnum |
Laburnum anagyroides |
lacewood |
Platanus hybrids |
Lagos mahogany |
Khaya ivorensis |
Lagoswood |
Khaya ivorensis |
lamao |
Pentacme contorts |
lanan |
Shores spp.
(light weight, pale red) |
lancewood |
Oxandra lanceolata |
lancewood, degame |
Calycophyllum candidlssimum |
landosan |
Aningeria spp. |
larch, Dunkeld |
Larix eurolepis |
larch, eastern |
Larix laricina |
larch, Eastern Canadian |
Larix laricina |
larch, European |
Larix decidua |
larch, hybrid |
Larix eurolepis |
larch, Japanese |
Larix kaempferi |
larch, Siberian |
Larix russica |
larch, tamarack |
Larix laricina |
larch, western |
Larix occidentalis |
Larche |
Larix spp. |
large tooth aspen |
Populus grandidentata |
lariks |
Larix spp. |
lauan, dark red |
Shorea spp.
(med weight, dark red) |
lauan, light red |
Shorea almon
(light weight,pale red) |
lauan, Mindanao white |
Pentacme mindanensis |
lauan, red |
Shorea negrosensis
(med w, dark red) |
lauan, white |
Parashorea malaanonan |
lauan, white |
Pentacme contorta |
lauan, white |
Shorea almon
(light weight, pale red) |
lauan, white |
Pentacme contorta |
laurel, Chilean |
Laurelia sempervirens |
laurel, Ecuador |
Cordia alliodora |
laurel, Indian |
Terminalia alata |
laurel de costa |
Cordia alliodora |
Lawson's cypress |
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana |
Lebanon, cedar of |
Cedrus libani |
lemon scented gum |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
lemonwood |
Calycophyllum candidissimum |
letterwood |
Piratinera guianensis |
libengi |
Guibourtia arnoldiana |
light red lauan |
Shorea almon
(light weight, pale red) |
Standard Name
(category L) |
Name |
Standard Name
(category L) |
Name |
light red meranti |
Shorea spp.
(light weight, pale red) |
light red seraya |
Shorea spp.
(light weight, pale red) |
light virola |
bialyanthera spp. |
light virola |
Virola spp. |
Iignum vitae |
Guaiacum spp. |
lignum vitae, Maracaibo |
Bulnesia arborea |
limba |
Terminalia superba |
limbo |
Terminalia superba |
lime, American |
Tilia americana |
lime, English |
Tilia vulgaris |
lime, European |
Tilia vulgaris |
lime, Japanese |
Tilia japonica |
Linde |
Tilia spp. |
lingue |
Persea lingue |
lingub |
Ajzelta ajrlcana |
locust |
Hymenaea courbaril |
locust, black |
Robinia pseudoacacia |
locust, West Indian |
Hymenaea courbaril |
locustwood |
Astronium fraxinifolium |
lodgepole pine |
Pines contorta |
lolagbola |
Oxystigma oxyphyllum |
lollondo |
Olea welwitschii |
London plane |
Platanus hybrida |
longleaf |
Pinus palustris |
longleaf, pitch pine |
Pinus palustris |
longleaf, pitch pine, Caribbean |
Pinus caribaea |
longleaf, yellow pine |
Pinus palustris |
lotofa |
Sterculia rhinopetala |
Lousiana cypress |
Taxodium distichum |
loup |
Dracontomelum mangijerum |
louro |
Cordia trichotoma |
louro, red |
Ocotea rubra |
louro inamuhy |
Ocotea barcellensis |
louro inamui |
Ocotea barcellensis |
louro preto |
Ocorea and Nectandra spp. |
louro vermelho |
Ocotea rubra |
lowland fir |
Abies grandis |
lun |
(med wt, yellow or white) |
lun, kuning |
Shorea spp.
(med weight. yellow) |
lun, puteh |
Shorea spp.
(med weight, white) |
Standard Name
(category L) |
Scientific Name |
Standard Name
(category M) |
Scientific Name |
lunumidella |
Melia composita |
lup |
Dracontomelum mangifaum |
Category M
Macassar ebony |
Diospyros celebica |
macula |
Eucalyptus maculata |
maculata gum |
Eucalyptus maculata |
Madagascar ebony |
Diospyros spp |
mate |
Fagaropsis angolertsis |
Magnolia |
Magnolia spp |
mahogany, African |
Khaya ivorensis |
Magnolia, Anerlean |
Swietenia candollel |
mahogany, bataan |
Shoreo polyspermo
(med wt, drk red) |
mahogany, Benin |
Khaya grandifoliola |
mahogany, Benin |
Khaya ivarensis |
mahogany, Brazilian |
Swietenta ?macrophylla |
mahogany, Brazilian |
Carapa guianensis |
mahogany, British Guiana |
Carapa guianensis |
mahogany, British Honduras |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, cedar |
Guarea cedrata |
mahogany, Central American |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Ceylon |
Melia composita |
mahogany, Costa Rica |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Cuban |
Swietenia mahagoni |
mahogany, Degema |
Khaya ivorensir |
mahogany, Demerara |
Carapa gulanensis |
mahogany, dry-zone |
Khaya senegalensis |
mahogany, Gaboon |
Aucoumea klaineana |
mahogany, Ghana |
Khaya ivorensis |
mahogany, Grand Bassam |
Khaya ivorensir |
mahogany, Guatemalan |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Guinea |
Khaya senegalensis |
mahogany, heavy African |
Khaya grandlfolloia
mahogany, Honduras |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Indian white |
Canarium euphyllum |
mahogany, Ivory Coast |
Khaya lvorensis |
mahogany, Jamaica |
Swietenia mahagoni |
mahogany, Lagos |
Khaya ivorensis |
mahogany, Mexican |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Mozambique |
Khaya nyasica |
mahogany, Nicaraguan |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Nigerian |
Khaya ivorensis |
mahogany, Panama |
Swietenia macrophylla |
mahogany, Para |
Corapa guianensis |
mahogany, Peruvian |
Swietenia macrophylla |